For sure, many of you already know about the existence of proxy servers through which you can surf across the Internet, while remaining anonymous. But it is interesting whether there is a possibility to find someone who actually uses such programs. The answer is unambiguous – yes, there is. Nowadays we know quite a lot of methods that can help to find a person that uses a proxy. But the possibilities are not limited to this. There are means that allow even to find out IP-address, even if there is a protection in the form of proxy server.
That might give the impression that proxies have nothing to do with cookies. But that is absolutely not the case. Cookie is a relatively small amount of data sent by the server to the user as certain addition to the requested page. The information is stored in the browser and, if necessary, it will be given out immediately. Cookie is a data that may be in the memory of the browser, both on a permanent basis or only for a certain period of time.
Cookie is not able to decode the IP-address. But at the first visit of the resource, the computer address will be stored by cookies. Next, the user again visits the same website, and the server begins to compare the current address to the one which already is in memory of cookies. As a result, when both IP-addresses were distinguished, the server begins to make some conclusions. As a result, if in future the user decides to completely abandon the cookies, the proxy will be ineffective regardless of how stable and good the proxy was.
JavaScript / VBScript
Such subprograms are scripts that are necessarily run on the computer. It absolutely does not matter what settings are set in browser; it will not be possible to hide actual address of the user until the exercise of such scenarios will be forbidden. Programs are considered relatively simple and uncomplicated, performing only certain functions. But at the same time, there is a possibility that with their help it will be possible to find the IP-address of the computer. Moreover, it is possible to identify even the entire range of browser settings. Purely theoretically, the scripts are also capable to make some changes in browser’s operation.
You can protect yourself from such scripts either partially or completely. You can, for example, block access to certain browser functions. But still the most effective option is considered to be a total ban of the exercise of possible scenarios.
Этот язык программирования в отличие от предыдущего обладает гораздо большими способностями. Например, Java имеет возможность определить конкретные настройки браузера или какие-то отдельные функции. Говоря другими словами, с помощью такой программы можно без особых трудностей узнать IP адрес.
This programming language, in contrast to previous one, has much more abilities. For example, Java has the ability to identify certain browser settings or any individual functions. In other words, with the help of such a program it is possible to find out the IP-address with little effort.
If the goal is to create protection from decoding of the address using Java, it will be much more difficult. Perhaps the total ban of such programs can be called the only one real option. But given the fact that Java is not any certain information product, but a set of multiple network functions, it will be extremely difficult to achieve the desired result.
Thus, it can be concluded that it is still possible to determine the IP-address of the user who uses proxies. Although this would be not so easy, unless the person approaches to the selection of the proxy server with maximum responsibility. It is good that today, among a wide list, you can find options that are effective and stable, which is no less important.
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