Online games become more and more popular. It is a perfect way to relax, to spend an enthralling time, to move to another virtual world for several minutes or hours. At the same time, online versions do not make the user to download applications, to install them in their PC. Everything is very easy – it is enough just to enter the proper resource, to sign up and you can start playing. It is not a secret that many users even make money in such a way, and quite good money. A perfect way to improve your financial status, to discover something new, is a proxy server.
Why to run games through the proxy?
The use of such software gives an opportunity to encrypt current IP-address of PC. Among numerous goals, for which servers are used, the desire to play new games can be mentioned. Thanks to proxy, the gamers got an opportunity to run several clients from one PC at the same time. But it should be understood that it is possible to realize such goals only in case if there are several personal IPs of the high speed. Besides, the computer itself must have maximum powerful features, since it is necessary to provide appropriate level of functional capability for many clients. As for so-called browser applications, everything is much easier here. Such games do not require the use of large resources. But at the same time you will have to think about installation of several different browsers at the same time.
It would be nice to discuss the specific situation. The user bought 2 designated IP-addresses. He aims to develop two different characters at the same time on the same game server. In most cases the appropriate rules do not provide for such possibility. That is, a new character can only be created after the previous dies. But proxy servers allow you to end such a ban and to pimp both heroes at the same time. This is really good news for real gamers.
Earnings on online games is quite real
Proxy is able not to only ensure the anonymity, but it will also allow finding an additional source of income. Perhaps, everyone has heard that you can sell various game attributes and characters and get a real money. Thanks to proxy, gamer can develop several characters at the same time. Therefore, the earnings can grow exponentially. On the one hand, the more accounts you possess, the more free time you have to spend. But, you can dilute the heroes with the bots and thus automate common actions in the game.
As for what tasks can be entrusted with the bot, they are, for example, the acquisition of experience in the early stages of the game, waiting of mana or health restoration, player’s standing in the shelter. In general, all those actions that do not require manifestation of logical thinking.
How to use bots wisely
Experienced gamers approach games not as entertainment, but as a really serious activity that requires certain skills and knowledge. Such people have developed the entire canons of how to use bots correctly. The first rule is that the bot should never run with a real address. The proxy is required for this. The second thing, the bot should preferably be alone. The third detail, its downtime is not allowed. Tying a hero to the proxy, you can solve this issue too.
Actually there are a lot of rules the compliance with which will allow not to betray a bot. But all of them are united by one idea. It consists in the fact that the character should behave as naturally and easily as possible.
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