It is a far cry from the days when itTorrent could be called a kind of safe haven that offered maximum reliability. Today the situation is completely different, and no one can be sure that their actions are not observed. That is, you can forget about any anonymity, as each user can be spied. Special services can track which materials the person views and downloads, analyze them for sparseness. If it turns out that not all operations performed by the user are legal, the user may even be prosecuted. That is why it is better to prevent the possibility of court action and take appropriate steps.
In principle, there are many ways in which the confidentiality can be achieved. But, at the same time, the vast majority of them are far from perfect. Probably a proxy server can be called the best option. At the moment, when a person is sharing or downloading information to the torrent, he is simultaneously connected to a bunch of other users. On the one hand, it allows to exchange information at the most convenient conditions. All users connected to a kind of network can see the IP addresses of each other. Therefore, the process of connection between their addresses is fast enough. But, there are less pleasant moments. First of all, we should note the disadvantage that IP is also known to third parties, which may use such information for malicious purposes.
And now it would be nice to understand what happens when the traffic is downloaded directly through the proxy. First of all, the real address of the user is hidden. That is, the demonstrated IP is not of a specific person, but of the server. Thus, a person can be located in Russia, but others will see a completely different information. As a result, many groups involved in anti-piracy activities, will fail to identify the provider and, even more so, to identify the user.
Experts also strongly recommend to activate the service of BitTorrent encryption. Its essence is simple enough. Having made appropriate settings, a person can make even the fact of the use of BitTorrent confidential. That is, the Internet providers will not only fail to determine which tasks are now performed by the user. They will not even know that he visits the resource.
Talking about any disadvantages, the only thing that can be emphasized is the need to spend money. If you want to achieve complete confidentiality, you have to spend some finances. Although, in fairness it should be noted that we are talking about relatively modest amount. Typically, the average versions will cost only a few tens of dollars per year. For people who are seriously interested in the use of anonymizers this is really insignificant amount.
Server setup process will not take much time. Of course, you need to have special skills and knowledge, but in fact there is nothing complicated in such a procedure. In order to provide a proxy, it is necessary to set the appropriate settings in uTorrent in the Connections section. That is, the user specifies a particular type of program and identifies its address. Here the entire installation process is complete and you can be sure in complete confidentiality.
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