Proxy Switcher is famous in the surfing community. But, despite this, even in the Internet there is not enough information about it. So people who could have used the program for certain purposes, simply do not know it exists. As a matter of fact, those who have already used Proxy Switcher, are well aware of how useful it is. Thus, it would be nice to find out as more as possible about the cases in which the software can be useful. First of all, this information product will attract interest of those who work in the buxes and is quite often interested in changing IP-address. With the features of Proxy Switcher the user can change the address with little effort. That is, just a few mouse clicks are enough, and the task will be performed.
People who have repeatedly had to deal with similar programs have certainly heard about FoxyProxy for FireFox. This method is also considered to be very effective and allows you to change the IP. But experts see quite serious disadvantages in it. First of all, it is necessary to state the fact that FoxyProxy is able to detect the minimum number of servers that are functioning properly. Of course, many will not like such restrictions, since people always want to have a choice, especially when it comes to issues of security and anonymity. However, if the user has a relatively modest appetites and requirements, he can be satisfied by this option.
Proxy Switcher is quite another matter. The program has the ability to find quite large number of working servers. Moreover, an additional advantage is the ability to filter by previously specified parameters. In other words, the software allows you to choose among the servers that can actually attract some interest. For example, if there is no sense to work with servers of some specific countries, the filter will simply not display them.
Proxy Switcher is the real discovery for those who have just begun to actively explore the technology of performing various tasks in the buxes. One gets the impression that this program does not have analogues, if we talk about the work, using multi accounts. Everything is explained quite simply. The user must provide the original address for each individual account. Therefore, it is this software that can achieve this goal.
Thus, Proxy Switcher will be useful in the case where it is necessary to find the proxy server. The software is able to find both paid and free versions. The search is carried out around the world. Another positive aspect named by the experts is the fact that all servers are placed in a single database and the user can quickly switch between them, if necessary.
Proxy Switcher can find both working and non-working versions. In order to get rid of the servers that do not function properly anymore, you need to switch on a special test mode. As a result, only working proxy servers will remain, which by definition may be of interest to the client.
Perhaps, the only disadvantage is that Proxy Switcher is a paid software. But, as they say, you need to pay for quality. Taking into account all the opportunities that the software provides, no one will remain doubtful about the fact that the program fully justifies its price.
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