Before you begin to review what influences the operation speed of proxy, we note that the difference between the concepts of a proxy and a proxy server is insignificant: the first term refers to the script, which is installed on the server by connecting to the graphical interface or without it. When a user wants to go to a specific resource access to which (for various reasons) is denied for him, he can access it through a proxy server – a kind of intermediary between users and websites on the Internet network. Implemented mechanism in the automatic mode directs all requests from a personal computer or other gadget on the proxy server, where they are converted and then redirected to the requested Internet resource.
If a user uses a proxy avoidance with preinstalled script on it, he does not have to do extra manipulations: he simply enters the required URL in a special field, clicks the button “Ok”, and further the substitution of entered address to the one that does not fall under the ban, is performed automatically. This can be either a complete change of address (often, abracadabra appears in the address bar) or redirect to a sub-domain of a proxy avoidance. Thanks to this simple scheme, many people enter VK through proxy avoidance from work computers – system administrators often block the access to the most popular social networks by order of the company’s administration.
It should also be remembered that in case if a proxy server is free, there is a probability that system administrator knows about it, and will definitely “blacklist” it as a banned website. But given the fact that in our time each user can purchase their own proxy avoidance, it will not be difficult to skirt the ban.
Currently, many providers offer services to configure individual proxy, and to select the appropriate option can be difficult. That is why trying to find out where to buy a proxy for a relatively low price, you should pay attention to the availability of feedback, because sometimes providers play cunning by providing a single channel to multiple users at a time. It is clear that in this case the operation speed will be low, and the connection with a proxy server will fail from time to time.
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