Almost every anonymous proxy server is a quite complicated information and technological system, and it can be difficult to understand the work of internal mechanisms. However, end users want to deal with the perfect product, and system administrators seek to maximally facilitate all operations of working with network proxy servers.
However, there are situations where it is not possible to connect to the proxy server. Let us consider the main reasons and ways for correcting errors arising from the use of proxy avoidances.
The most common error in the browser is considered to be the one where the user receives a message with the corresponding inscription:
In this case it may be noted that the error is often related to incorrect indication of access credentials.
Simple users who do not use a proxy server to access the Internet have to check their browser options, and instead of the item “Use checked proxy servers”, set the mark against the item “Automatically connect to the Internet.”
At the same time, this action performed on work computer in an organization where the local server is used, such an operation could lead to the entire disappearing of the Internet - so it strongly is not recommended to change the settings by yourself.
Another reason for the connection failure is that the proxy server itself stops working. This is true primarily for the free options, and the reasons we have already discussed in the article “The advantages and disadvantages of proxy servers.”
But if you order in the proxy from the provider and pay for it, you will simply not have these problems. So you will need to dig deeper and find out if there are any viruses on your computer, which block the proxy avoidance operation.
These viruses usually aim to demonstrate the spam advertising that is often ignored during proxy servers operation. For this reason, one of the goals of the violator is to block proxy avoidances, because otherwise the purpose of showing the ads will not be achieved.
For this reason, one of the main recommendations is the advice not to install the software from third-party doubtful resources, it is especially true for additions and extensions of web browsers Google Chrome and Yandex.
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