Probably, the simple fact, that there is no such thing as a free lunch, should not be explained. Even if something is given away, then, most likely, one can hardly reckon upon an excellent level of quality. This also applies to proxies, because users often complain that their free versions refuse to function properly. If some problems appeared, it is necessary to find a way by which they would be resolved. Of course, special skills and knowledge are required for that.
Sometimes the user is sure that the proxy is working, but despite this, the software does not perform its functions. The reasons for this are entirely in other moments. But not everyone is an expert on these issues, and therefore they do not understand what is the actual case. The main pitfalls may be the following
1. The server is located too far from the client. For example, a user is in Moscow, and the server is in the United States or Canada. Thus, the transmitted information simply does not have time to be sent with the desired speed.
2. IP-address of the user was found out. This cause is noted much more often than the previous one. The situation is as follows. Provider, out of any motives, decided to limit access to a particular resource, which turned out to be interesting to the client. The user will be able to use the information on the website until the provider will detect them. Ultimately, the access is completely denied. Another interesting point should be noted. There are free corporate proxies. They provide the opportunity to work with specific IP-addresses. Therefore, if the user is not in this list, no attempt will help them resolve this problem.
3. Proxy providers often limit access for a particular network for some reasons. For example, too high load is reported. If the cause is something else, it is best to contact provider directly in order to clarify all the circumstances.
4. As opposed to the previous paragraph, it may happen that the user’s network does not have access to the free server that could be found. Proxy is made in such a way, that is why it is not humanly possible to do anything.
5. Client set wrong settings. This cause is, undoubtedly, the most common. Basically, you can be solved this issue by yourself. You should take a few minutes of time, carefully check the options set up in settings once more, and you may be able to find the error.
6. No guarantee. It should be understood that free software cannot be perfect. Everything is logical, why would anyone want to work hard on the product, which is not actually priced. It is better to direct knowledge and skills to where the generated proxy will be truly appreciated worthily, rather than as a regular, free and easily accessible server. Therefore, free versions can operate erratically, to be disconnected at all from time to time, and so on.
All above troubles can appear at any moment. Accordingly, there is no need to panic, and you should take steps to ensure the problem elimination. In order to prevent such errors, or at least reduce the possibility of their occurrence to a minimum, proxies must be chosen with extreme seriousness, paying attention to many details.
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