It is a far cry of the days when in order to get some software you had to necessarily spend some amount of money. Nowadays, numerous free proxy servers are offered as alternative options. Such versions are developed in almost all countries - United States of America, China, Germany, France, Japan. No exception is Russia, where free proxies can be found more and more often. There is a stereotype that what is given for free, by definition cannot be of high quality. Some people think so, but there are others whose opinion is a little different. In order to understand who reasons correctly, it would be nice to get acquainted with the main advantages and disadvantages of free and paid versions of proxy servers.
Paid proxies
The person who decided to purchase access to the list of paid proxies, must understand that he has a choice. Numerous web servers differ by several criteria, namely:
- response time of the program;
- efficiency of data saving;
- operation speed.
It is good to realize the fact that some instability during operation of paid proxies is rarely reported. It does not matter how much information is processed, how much information is downloaded at the same time, how long the person uses online applications. Software in any event will run smoothly.
There are some disadvantages, but they are few. Perhaps the most significant con is just that you will have to spend some amount of money. Besides, even paid web servers are not able to guarantee absolute anonymity, since such a result cannot be achieved in theory.
There is a possibility to connect the servers of Russia and USA into one chain. In this case, information leakage can occur with minimal probability. But in fairness it should be noted that far from everybody will be able to realize this goal. And, besides, it is not so easy to switch between proxies of the USA and the Russian Federation as it might seem at first glance.
Free proxies
In order to use such proxies, simply visit the dedicated resources on the Internet. The essence of the operation of this software is to forward user requests to the destination web server. But the operation should be performed in such a way that there would be no way of knowing the original location of the client. That is, such proxies are sort of completely confidential, but everything is not so perfect as it seems at first glance.
Worldwide free proxy options are in incredible demand. When the person connects to this program, a lot of other users on the territory of Russia do it at the same time. Thus, the work efficiency is significantly reduced, and the signal is not so clear anymore. In the case where the customer has to download something to a computer, it must be ready for interruption of the download process, instability, elongation.
Now it is quite difficult to find really good free proxies. Many of qualitative web servers eventually transfer to a paid basis. The negative sign of free options is the fact that they allow you to perform only small tasks. For example, visiting sites where registration is required, there is a serious risk that client data will get to the violators.
If you need to protect important information, wisely distribute the load on the Internet, to create possibility of access to the secret pages, you have to think only about the paid version. Such proxies allow you to process gigabytes of necessary data, to carry out acquisitions on the resources of other countries, to engage in business and not to worry about the stability and efficiency of the connection.
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