Nowadays quite a lot of information transfer protocols are known. Some of them lose their relevance with time, but there are those which, on the contrary, are becoming more and more common. Perhaps, Socks proxy can safely be called one of the most advanced ones. In order to create a truly competitive protocol, a number of changes had to be implemented, a great volume of work had to be done, but all these efforts were not in vain. Currently, two versions are usually used – fifth and sixth. Such servers present a kind of translator, where users are located between two levels in the network – transport and applied. That is, they are actually not attached to the protocols belonging to a high level. The basic idea of creation of Socks protocol consisted in that that the processes that operate on the base of TCP or UDP, would be available for use by the resources to which the access has been limited by the relevant applications.
There are several major differences between the versions. For example, Socks4 is able of supporting TCP. In turn, Socks5 is a kind of continuation of the previous version, and it has the ability to maintain UDP. In more simple terms, Socks5 expands structure, allowing the user to apply the so-called generalized identification schemes.
Socks is the server, capable of providing complete anonymity in the network. For example, absolutely all browsers use HTTP and it does not matter what kind of Socks version in question. The software is not related to HTTP, and is absolutely not involved in the moderation functions. As a result, data transmission occurs exclusively in pure form. That is why all Socks options are belong to the confidential category. Information relating to IP-address will be hidden from third parties.
Web server visited by the person has no chance to decrypt what Socks proxy uses. It will see a strict transparency, as if the user is carrying out certain processes directly. Also indisputable advantage is the fact that it is capable of functioning with sufficiently large number of protocols. That is, to perform a variety of processes, only one Socks is actually required.
Using this technology, you can build a chain with little effort. Confidentiality is ensured by the fact that all the information will necessarily pass through the server, which are located in different corners of the globe. With the aim to achieve the maximum level of security, experts insist on the use of Double VPN chain. Several different ways Socks application at the same time are known.
Advantages and disadvantages
It is clear that like any other server, Socks is characterized by some pros and cons. Analyzing the above information, there are several major advantages and disadvantages:
- the opportunity to work with many different protocols, it particularly applies to FTP, HTTP, and others;
- due to the wise arrangement of chain it is possible to achieve a noticeable increase in speed;
- it is considered completely confidential, since any information relating to IP-address is completely encrypted and not available for viewing by others;
- it is quite impossible to call the cost of the server cheap, but having gotten acquainted with its capabilities it becomes clear that the price is fully justified.
Socks proxy for sure will allow the user to be confident in the security and confidentiality in many processes.
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