Good software is usually not cheap. Thus, by no means all of the users, who wish, can afford the acquisition and purchase of certain servers. However, there are alternative options, such as Firewall. It is characterized by both convenience and affordability. Firewall, which is necessarily embedded in this software, guarantees secure Internet access. Firewall is able to exercise control from the outside, and it is engaged in traffic control process. Such software in professional circles is called a kind of internet gateway, which is provided exclusively for corporate clients. Such proxy server has already proved to be a reliable and stable. Nowadays in Russia it has found quite wide use becomes more and more widespread.
Basic modules
The main module is UserGate, which is installed on Internet gateway of corporate network. It affects the fact that there is a possibility to use Internet with required goals, engage in keeping statistics, calculate traffic as well as to carry out a number of other functions. With the aim to administer the system on proxy, it was decided to develop respective console, that would allow managing all necessary processes. It is basically separate program that operates according to the protocol which was previously provided for by the manufacturing company. It should be noted that this application can be applied not only in remotely, but also locally.
In UserGate there are special modules, through which it is possible to exercise full control over statistical Internet data. All information can be available both directly on the workplace and remotely. That is, with the help of such software, any bans are eliminated in case if the content was saved with the use of Proxy & Firewall directly. And this is not all, since proxy is able to limit the list of processes which have the direct access to World Wide Web. Due to the special module, called authorization client, there is a possibility to apply wider way in order to provide an access.
What software is capable of
As any other proxy server, UserGate has certain capabilities. In order not to occupy the mind with excessively large amount of information, it is enough to get acquainted at least with the following capabilities:
- able to operate with several providers, supports the operation with numerous interfaces through NAT technology on Internet;
- allows to significantly reduce the use of traffic. Software caches materials downloaded by the users directly to the hard drive. Thus, when the person sends request, the information is sent not from the network, but exactly from the hard drive;
- supports IP telephony technology;
- has a personal billing system;
- has the possibility to independently regulate Internet channel options, applying special module Traffic Manager;
- creates reliable and stable protection and antivirus;
- performs distribution of resources by appropriate categories, according to which the access is limited in future;
- provides information regarding each individual user and its requests on Internet. There is a possibility to create reports and even send information to a special table editors, where they undergo proper treatment;
- able to establish absolutely secure connection to the company’s servers and even its particular branches. All this can be performed remotely;
Numerous ways to assign an access to the system, which are designed on the basis of Proxy & Firewall, make it possible to perform authorization. During such processes, IP addresses, as well as passwords and logins that have been created by the administrator, are used. This proxy is rightfully considered to be one of the most functional, since it is able to solve a large number of tasks associated with the establishment of a shared Internet access. This software works quite fast and is a guarantee of a good protection against threats that can come from the outside.
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